walt disney world


Walt Disney World is an extraordinary playground for writers, one I've been very grateful to play in. Their traditions of incredible characters and timeless iconography make for countless opportunities to connect to a wide audience. In my copy for them, I strive to balance respect for that iconography - not to mention their tremendously devoted worldwide fanbase - with a humorous, self-aware modern sensibility. 

This tone makes for a surprising-yet-welcome addition to Disney's social media presence. Take, for example, the sample that began my working relationship with WDW: "If you lived here, you'd burst into song all the time too."  As of this writing, it's reached 1,651 pins and 81,750 Facebook likes, which is considerably more than, say, my most recent attempt at a selfie. (Maybe some day...)

The following copy has been featured in Walt Disney World's social media presence, including Facebook and Pinterest. It spans the 2013 launch of Disney's "Show Your Disney Side" campaign, as well as several other seasonal campaigns, including holiday-specific copy.