HBO Max Website
I started as a contractor at HBO Max six months after it launched and got promoted full-time as Senior Copywriter, contributing and collaborating across the streaming service through the Growth Marketing team. Along the way we pushed boundaries, innovated new approaches, and brought a staggering amount of entertainment to audiences — right when we all needed it the most.
Here’s some examples of my contributions throughout the HBO Max platform. It’s the stuff that streams are made of.
Single Title Landing Pages
When someone clicks on an ad, it links them to a landing page - several of which I wrote, pertaining to a specific “single title,” in this example the much-anticipated new season of Barry. These synopses often worked off of several pages of press releases to give a succinct and enticing summary that would ideally lead to a new sign-up to access the movie or series in question.
Main Page
The main HBO Max page, which users see before they log in or sign up, is managed by Growth Marketing to drive maximum new subscribers. I’d write headlines and subheadlines for various modules and refreshes throughout the main page to make it a site to behold.
Trailer Pages
Every trailer for upcoming releases and premieres requires custom copy. Here are 3 examples — I especially like the Barry one.
Free Episodes
One of HBO Max’s novel features since its launch was offering “free samples” of its original series, usually pilots, with the theory that viewers would gladly sign up to see what happens next. Turns out: it works! Here’s an example of one of the Free Episodes pages I wrote.
Movies - Single Title Pages
Every movie featured on the main page gets its own “Single Title” page to feature, promote, and summarize it. Here’s one of my favorites.
Series - Single Title Pages
Every series featured on the main page gets its own “Single Title” page to feature it, often with an accompanying trailer but always with copy to summarize. Here’s a 90s throwback that’s just a little more wholesome than Game of Thrones.